Is co-washing bad?
Hey Afro family Today I want to talk about Co-washing, this is a very controversial topic in the natural hair community so I wanted you to know my thoughts regarding it. What is co-washing? Co-washing is short for conditioner washing. This is the process of washing your hair with a conditioner. Pros of co-washing? 1. Leaves your hair feeling moisturised as opposed to shampoo that leaves your hair feeling stripped off its natural sebum. 2. Provides mild cleansing agents. 3. Helps with styling purposes, it is easier to style hair after cowashing because you do not need to moisturise it as opposed to shampoo. Cons of co-washing exclusively? 1. Hair will feel dull and heavy because it is not being cleaned properly. It will lead to moisture overload. 2. Your hair will smell because your hair's natural ph balance will be thrown off. 3.Hair follicle will not breathe, the co-wash coates the hair instead of cleansing i...