Health and hair!!!

Hello AFro FAmily welcome to my blog! Today we are going to be talking about the hair and what affects its health. We will be discussing some of the  reasons why the hair is not growing and the solutions to the problem. 

In the past month or so we have been discussing the hair shaft, how to protect it and how to maintain it. The shaft is the outside layer of the hair that grows from an organ found below the skin, this organ is known as the follicle. The follicle regulates hair growth via an interaction between hormones, and neurons  and immune cells.  The hair follicle works in three stages: the active growth phase, the resting stage and the shedding-regrowth  stage. When the stages are disturbed , the hair shedding stage occurs too quickly and the growth stage is shortened as the hair also grows out thinner. 

Now that we know what the mini organs that control the hairs on our head are and how they work, let us discuss what throws them off. It is very important to note that  follicles are one of the last organs in our bodies to receive the minerals and nutrients that the body gets from food and water. If anything is wrong with the body, all the attention is naturally shifted to the more important organs in the body. The body will focus on getting better and organs like the follicles, skin and nails will be left unattended. That is the reason why when people are sick or stressed you first notice their hair and skins. 
Stress and sickness are part of our our everyday life but if they occur more often than they should it is easy for the body to shut down and focus on regaining its health. The rate and quality can also be affected by genes. What the hair of our parents or ancestors looked like is often what our hair look like, especially as we grow older. We can  often see it in men but it also affects women. Hormonal changes are affected by things like pregnancy, contraceptives and menopause.  Most people I know glow in pregnancy and the hair is bouncy and thick, as soon as the baby is born they experience a lot of shedding. It is only natural. We can do things that can help our follicles with the hair growth stages. 

That is all I have on the blog for today! I will be posting a Collaboration YouTube video with Keke Kurly   a fitness and natural hair enthusiast. We will be talking more about the how some of the solutions above really help with the growth of the hair! I will be announcing the the upload of the video on all my platforms so make sure you are following me on Instagram @theafroologist. My Facebook page is the Afrologist and YouTube channel The AFROlogist. For more helpful fitness and natural hair content do follow Keke Kurly on Instagram @kekekurly. Her Facebook page is Keke Kurly and her Youtube channel is also Keke Kurly. 

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Link to the Youtube Video


  1. Awesome blog. Thank you for this👌🙌🙌💖

  2. Thank you. ..I am glad I could help!! Thank you for taking the out read

  3. This is so true. I've noticed how my hair has taken a different route since i'm getting older and i believe most of it is because of my health. I will be sure to watch the YouTube channel for more advice and insight. Thanks loves

    1. You are very welcome.. And yes the older we get the more we have to improve our lifestyles😊


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