Onions for hair growth!!!

Hello Afro family! 
In this blog post, I will talk about onions and how they can benefit our natural hair. I have used onion juice in the past and the picture you see below were the results. I was amazed at how black and shiny my hair became during that period of time. I also recently started using it again and the results are the same. It needs consistency to work. I took it upon myself to go on an onion juice and onion oil challenge for the next three months and I hope you can join me after reading this.

Vitamins and minerals included in onions :
Vitamin B6
Vitamin C 

These are some very important nutrients and antioxidants. I believe however that the most important of them all for hair growth has to be sulfur. Which is what we will be focusing on in this blog. Sulfur compounds give onions the pungent taste and the distinctive smell. Sulfur provides collagen production, which in turn aids in healthy skin cells and hair growth.
Onions also improve blood circulation, which increases blood supply to the hair follicles.The picture below is what my onion juice recipe looks like. 

Benefits of using onions on your head :
Increases hair growth/reduces hair loss 
Helps create a natural shine 
Reduces greying / removes discoloration 
Fights against dandruff
Increases volume 

So whether your hair is thinning out, you are experiencing early greying or you suffer from discoloration this is the solution. This is the solution to beautiful vibrant hair, who knew right?!  

In my next Youtube video I will be showing you how I make my onion juice recipe and how I use it. I will also be making onion oil for the first time. Over the next 3 months I will be documenting  my progress and sharing it with you on my socials. I hope you do the same. That's it from me Afro Family. 


  1. When will the video be up cos some of us need this ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  2. Haha next week!! I should be done with the video ๐Ÿ˜…

  3. Interesting, I had no idea! But I guess onions are GOOD for so many things, right!

    1. Haha indeed...it was super shocking when I first out..๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃits very good for your skin.

    2. I love onions, never knew they were so nutritious beneficial to our hair. Great stuff

    3. Right!!! I couldn't believe it too! Lol but am glad they are because they are so affordable!

  4. Wow that really makes sense, all i knew is that if you want food to be tasty add some onions. But now add onion juicy on my hair keeps the colour. very interesting i should try it on because my hair its not nice

    1. I'm glad you want to try it!! Onions are amazing and I can't wait to see your results!!!


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